
3rd Kanata is a 100% volunteer run organization composed of parents of youth members, community volunteers who enjoy Scouting, former youth members of 3rd Kanata or whose children are now over the Scout age and have stayed as leaders or Group Committee members.

Yes, you can wear a uniform and be a Section Scouter to help facilitate meetings and activities for our youth members. However, there are many other ways to volunteer with Scouts Canada! To see some of our current volunteer needs, please visit our Open Volunteer Roles page.

If you're considering becoming a volunteer with 3rd Kanata Scout Group, you can schedule a no obligation meeting with the Group Commissioner. Book directly by visiting https://calendly.com/3rdkanata or contact GC@3rdkanata.ca by email.

Volunteering with Scouts Canada is fun, flexible and fulfilling!

Are you Interested in being a Scouter? You do not need to be a parent, or related to a youth member. You don't need to an outdoor expert either. We provide training in program development, outdoor activities and First Aid as well as program information and you are part of a team made-up of both new and experienced leaders. Check out some of the information on the Scouts Canada Site: http://www.scouts.ca/ca/scouters .

  1. Talk to any Section Scouter, the Group Commissioner or a member of the Group Committee to discuss the potential volunteer role. This isn't the formal interview required as part of the onboarding process, but simply a conversation to understand if there is a mutual interest to move forward with process.

  2. You may then register as a prospective volunteer on the Scouts Canada website.

  3. The amount of required training and screening depends on whether or not the volunteer role works directly with children or their data. For example, occasional helpers supervised by uniformed Scouters only need to sign a Code of Conduct and have a brief interview to set expectations. Whereas our uniformed Scouters or volunteers who deal with personal data must provide references, have a Police Record Check and Vulnerable Sector Screening from the Ottawa Police Service and follow required online training.

  4. At the end of the process, there will be a formal interview with at least two active Scouts Canada volunteers to discuss your suitability for the role. Successful candidates will welcomed to Scouts Canada and you will be able to start your new volunteer role with support from entire team.

The full Volunteer Screening Policy and other onboarding materials may be found on our Scouter Resources page.